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Post Type Selectors
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Dev: Post type des Plugins übersteuern

affiliate-toolkit registriert einige Post types. Manchmal möchte man Parameter welche standardmäßig vorgegeben werden, übersteuern.

Hier finden Sie, wie Sie die Post types übersteuern können.
Alle Informationen zu der WP-Funktion bei WordPress-Codex.

Produkt Post type

Diese Funktion wird bei Produkten aufgerufen.

 * This function is called before register_post_type for products.
 * @param array $args          Contains the arguments array which is passed to the register_post_type function.
 * @return array               Return of the array
function atkp_product_register_post_type_callback( $args ) {
	//$args['description'] = 'My Description';

	return $args ;
add_filter( 'atkp_product_register_post_type', 'atkp_product_register_post_type_callback');

Liste Post type

Diese Funktion wird bei Listen aufgerufen.

 * This function is called before register_post_type for lists.
 * @param array $args          Contains the arguments array which is passed to the register_post_type function.
 * @return array               Return of the array
function atkp_list_register_post_type_callback( $args ) {
	//$args['description'] = 'My Description';

	return $args ;
add_filter( 'atkp_list_register_post_type', 'atkp_list_register_post_type_callback');

Shop Post type

Diese Funktion wird bei Shops aufgerufen.

 * This function is called before register_post_type for shops.
 * @param array $args          Contains the arguments array which is passed to the register_post_type function.
 * @return array               Return of the array
function atkp_shop_register_post_type_callback( $args ) {
	//$args['description'] = 'My Description';

	return $args ;
add_filter( 'atkp_shop_register_post_type', 'atkp_shop_register_post_type_callback');

Feldgruppe Post type

Diese Funktion wird bei Feldgruppen aufgerufen.

 * This function is called before register_post_type for fieldgroups.
 * @param array $args          Contains the arguments array which is passed to the register_post_type function.
 * @return array               Return of the array
function atkp_fieldgroup_register_post_type_callback( $args ) {
	//$args['description'] = 'My Description';

	return $args ;
add_filter( 'atkp_fieldgroup_register_post_type', 'atkp_fieldgroup_register_post_type_callback');

Vorlage Post type

Diese Funktion wird bei Vorlagen aufgerufen.

 * This function is called before register_post_type for templates.
 * @param array $args          Contains the arguments array which is passed to the register_post_type function.
 * @return array               Return of the array
function atkp_template_register_post_type_callback( $args ) {
	//$args['description'] = 'My Description';

	return $args ;
add_filter( 'atkp_template_register_post_type', 'atkp_template_register_post_type_callback');

Importset Post type

Diese Funktion wird bei Importset aufgerufen.

 * This function is called before register_post_type for import sets.
 * @param array $args          Contains the arguments array which is passed to the register_post_type function.
 * @return array               Return of the array
function atkp_importset_register_post_type_callback( $args ) {
	//$args['description'] = 'My Description';

	return $args ;
add_filter( 'atkp_importset_register_post_type', 'atkp_importset_register_post_type_callback');
Aktualisiert: 6. Februar 2023
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