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Global functions

The product data can also be used globally with the functions in this list.


The following IDs can be specified as parameters:

  • No parameter = the product of the product page or the main product of the page is used.
  • Product ID = The ID is used.
  • List ID = The first product from the list is used.

List of functions

atkp_display_box($ids,$template,$limit = 0)Creates a product box by given parameters. Returns HTML.
atkp_get_pro_list($id= '', $content_mask = '%s')Returns the pro list of the product
atkp_get_contra_list($id= '', $content_mask = '%s')Returns the contra list of the product
atkp_get_test_badge($id= '')Returns the test badge of the product
atkp_get_featuretext($id= '')Returns the featured text of the product
atkp_get_descriptiontext($id= '')Returns the description of the product
atkp_get_featuretext_short($id= '')Returns the featured text (shorted)
atkp_get_descriptiontext_short($id= '')Returns the description text (shorted)
atkp_get_infotext($id= '')Returns the info text of the product
atkp_get_button_text($id= '', $shop_id ='')Returns the button text of the product
atkp_get_button_link($id= '')Returns the button link of the product
atkp_get_title_link($id= '')Returns the title link of the product
atkp_get_title($id= '') Returns the title of the product
atkp_get_primelogo($id= '')Returns the prime logo
atkp_get_producturl($id= '')Returns the product url
atkp_get_productlink($id= '')Returns the product link
atkp_get_addtocarturl($id= '')Returns the add to cart url
atkp_get_addtocartlink($id= '')Returns the add to cart link
atkp_get_customerreviewsurl($id= '')Returns the customer reviews url
atkp_get_amount_saved($id= '')Returns the raw amount saved
atkp_get_amount_saved_formatted($id= '', $format = '%s')Returns the formatted amount saved
atkp_get_percentage_saved($id= '')Returns the raw percentage saved
atkp_get_percentage_saved_formatted($id= '', $format = '-%s%%' )Returns the formatted percentage saved
atkp_get_listprice($id= '')Returns the raw list price
atkp_get_saleprice($id= '')Returns the raw sale price
atkp_get_baseprice($id= '')Returns the raw base price
atkp_get_unitprice($id= '')Returns the raw unit price
atkp_get_shipping($id= '')Returns the raw shipping price
atkp_get_shipping_formatted($id= '', $format = '%s', $emptytext = '')Returns the formatted shipping price
atkp_get_saleprice_formatted($id= '', $format = '%s', $emptytext = '')Returns the formatted list price
atkp_get_baseprice_formatted($id= '', $format = '(%s / %s)', $emptytext = '')Returns the formatted base price
atkp_get_listprice_formatted($id= '', $format = '%s', $emptytext = '')Returns the formatted list price
atkp_get_custom_field($id= '', $field_name)Returns a custom field for a product
atkp_get_updatedate($id= '')Returns the last update date for a product
atkp_get_updatetime($id= '')Returns the last update time for a product
atkp_get_disclaimer($id= '', $disclaimertext = '')Returns the disclaimer text
atkp_get_shop_logo_url($shop_id = '')Returns the shop logo url
atkp_get_shop_logo($shop_id = '')Returns the shop logo
atkp_get_shop_title($shop_id = '')Returns the shop title for a shop
atkp_get_largeimageurl($id = '')Returns the large image url
atkp_get_smallimageurl($id = '')Returns the medium image url
atkp_get_mediumimageurl($id = '')Returns the medium image url
atkp_get_short_title($id = '')The short title of the product
get_get_reviews_text($id = '')The customer review text
atkp_get_reviews_link($id = '')The external review url of the product
atkp_get_product_page_url($id = '')Returns the product page url
atkp_get_woocommerce_page_url($id = '')Returns the woocommerce url by the given atkp product id
atkp_get_images($id = '', $include_main_image = true, $max_images = 0 )Returns a list of images for the product
atkp_get_offers($id = '', $include_main_offer = true, $max_offers = 0 )Returns a list of offers for the product
Updated: 5. March 2024
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