To overwrite the templates, you can use a hook. This allows you, for example, to redirect the previous default template to your own template.
This function is called for products. You can use it to overwrite the template based on conditions, for example.
function atkp_modifiy_template_callback( $template ) {
//Vorlage hier übersteuern:
//$template = 'wide';
return $template ;
add_filter( 'atkp_modify_template', 'atkp_modifiy_template_callback');
This function is called for lists, products and search forms. You can use it to overwrite the template based on conditions, for example.
function atkp_modify_template_list_callback( $template, $id, $content ) {
return $template ;
add_filter( 'atkp_modify_template_list', 'atkp_modify_template_list_callback', 10, 3);
This function is called for lists. You can use it to overwrite the template based on conditions, for example.
function atkp_modify_template_product_callback( $template, $id, $content ) {
return $template ;
add_filter( 'atkp_modify_template_product', 'atkp_modify_template_product_callback', 10, 3);