In this article you will learn what the advanced settings in the plugin mean. You can find the options under affiliate-toolkit -> Settings in the second tab.
1) Disable "sponsored" link
2) Main product selected by
3) Open links in new tab
4) Open links with JS
5) Click tracking
6) Contribution image
7) Image redirection
8) Duplicate check
9) Default import status
10) Treat product group as product category
11) Delete old product categories
12) Split product category
13) Update product title and permalink
14) Show additional shortcode button
15) Disable internal JS library
16) Disable all styles from plugin
17) Disable Select2 fields
18) Deactivate Select2 in Fronted
19) Do not show discount promotions in backend
20) Show shortcode generator at PostTypes
Updated: 2. March 2023
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