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affiliate-toolkit WordPress Shortcodes

Shortcodes can be used to output product boxes and all necessary functions in the frontend.


With the shortcode generator, you can have the AT shortcodes generated very easily and then insert them into the post.

The generator can be found via the menu under affiliate-toolkit -> Shortcode Generator.

Depending on the installed extension, one has several options available in the generator.

1. product search in the imported products

Enter a search term in the text field and click "Search". All products in the internal database are now searched. With this functions you can not import new products.

Then click on "Use product". You will now be taken to the next page of the shortcode generator.

Here you can specify how you want to display the product. Choose between template (product box), field (output a text only) or hyperlink (creates a link).

  1. Template which is used for the product box.
  2. Here you can specify container and element classes for CSS.
  3. The alignment of the template. This option does not work for all template. If there are problems with the display, you can try to turn off this option.
  4. Here you can give a value with the shortcode. This placeholder can be used in the template.
  5. Here you can override the global settings and e.g. display a "shopping cart button".
  6. This allows you to disable the disclaimer for this product box.
  7. Here you can choose which field you want to display. E.g. price or product title.
  8. If you want to link the field, select this option.
  9. Here you enter the text that should be displayed as text in the link.
  10. This can be used to overwrite the affiliate ID on Amazon or eBay. This does not work for other networks.

2. import & display products

To save yourself a step, there is a function for importing products directly in the shortcode generator.

To do this, select the Shop, enter a search term and then click on "Search". After that, the first 10 search results are displayed. Once you have found the desired product, click on "Import and use product".

You will then return to the product output page.

3. list search in the created lists

Geben Sie einen Suchbegriff in das Textfeld ein und klicken Sie auf "Suchen". All lists in the internal database are now searched. You cannot create new lists with this functions.

Then click on "Use list". You will now be taken to the next page of the shortcode generator. You will then be returned to the list output page.

4. create & display new list

You can also create lists directly in the shortcode generator. However, this function is very limited. Here we recommend the standard functionality.

  1. Enter list name
  2. Select Shop
  3. Select source
  4. Enter keyword for search

You will then return to the list output page.

Manual Shortcodes

If you do not want to use the shortcode generator or want to use functions that cannot be used via the shortcode generator, see more details.

Issue product boxes

Here you can find the shortcode to spend a product. For all attributes that you do not use, the default value is used.

[atkp_product id='<product-id>' ean='<ean>' asin='<asin>' template='box' elementcss='element-css' containercss='container-css' buttontype='notset' field='<fieldname>' link='no' hidedisclaimer='no' tracking_id='<affiliate-id>' offerstemplate='<offertemplateid' imagetemplate='<imagetemplateid' shopid='<shopid>']Eigener Inhalt[/atkp_product]
idProduct ID or product title as filter
eanInstead of the product ID, the EAN is used as a filter.
asinThe product is searched for via ASIN. If the product was not found, it will be imported automatically (parameter shopid must be filled for this).
templateTemplate ID or template name (if system template).
elementcssHere you can pass your own CSS classes for the element.
containercssHere you can pass your own CSS classes for the container.
buttontypeControls which link to use (addtocart, link, product).
fieldSpecifies the field to be displayed.
linkIf parameter is equal to yes the field will be surrounded with an LInk.
hidedisclaimerDo not show disclaimer (yes or no).
tracking_idOverride the affiliate ID (Amazon only).
offerstemplateThis attribute overrides the template for the other offers.
imagetemplateThis attribute overrides the template for the image gallery (not implemented yet).
shopidThe Shop ID is necessary if you want to import products automatically via ASIN.

Output product links

You can output simple hyperlinks with a shortcode. To do this, use the following shortcode:

[atkp_product id='<product-id>' link='yes']Eigener Inhalt[/atkp_product]

Output fields

If you want to insert individual values of a product into your post, the product fields are suitable for this.

[atkp_product id='<product-id>' field='title'][/atkp_product]

"Field" is the name of the field or placeholder (as you know it from the templates).

If you want to link the field at the same time, the following attribute is sufficient:

[atkp_product id='<product-id>' field='title' link='yes'][/atkp_product]

Output lists

Here you can find the shortcode to output a list. For all attributes that you do not specify, the default value is used.

[atkp_list id='<list-id>' template='wide' elementcss='<element-css>' containercss='<container-css>' buttontype='notset' limit='10' randomsort='no' hidedisclaimer='no' tracking_id='' product_ids='<product-id,product-id>' offerstemplate='<offertemplateid' imagetemplate='<imagetemplateid' parseparams='no' itemsperpage='' filter='' keyword='' shopid='']Ihr Inhalt[/atkp_list]
idList ID or list title as filter
templateTemplate ID or template name (if system template).
elementcssHere you can pass your own CSS classes for the element.
containercssHere you can pass your own CSS classes for the container.
buttontypeControls which link to use (addtocart, link, product).
limitPasses a limit. Default is taken from the settings and is 10 entries.
randomsortSorts the list arbitrarily.
hidedisclaimerDo not show disclaimer (yes or no).
tracking_idOverride the affiliate ID (Amazon only).
produkt_idsHIer multiple product IDs can be specified. These products are then output as a list.
offerstemplateThis attribute overrides the template for the other offers.
imagetemplateThis attribute overrides the template for the image gallery (not implemented yet).
parseparamsWith this option enabled, parameters can be passed as GET and POST. The list then parses the parameters and filters the products.
itemsperpageActivates the internal paging of the product list.
filterHerewith a filter for the products can be given. This filter is passed like a URL parameter: field=value&field2=value2
keywordThis search term is used to load a list and if it does not exist, it is automatically created as a "search list". Shop ID is required for this.
shopidThe Shop-ID is necessary if you want to create lists automatically via search term.

Lists by means of product IDs

This allows you to output a list without having to create a list first.

[atkp_list product_ids='<product-id>,<product-id>,<product-id>'][/atkp_list]

Shortcode for lists and products

There is a general shortcode for lists and products. This is ideal for editors who do not recognize the difference between lists and products.

[atkp_list id='<product-id>, <product-id>,<list-id>' template='wide' elementcss='<element-css>' containercss='<container-css>' limit='10' randomsort='no' hidedisclaimer='no' tracking_id=''][/atkp_list]
idProduct ID, Product Title, List ID or List Title as filter. These can be mixed as desired.
templateTemplate ID or template name (if system template).
elementcssHere you can pass your own CSS classes for the element.
containercssHere you can pass your own CSS classes for the container.
limitPasses a limit. Default is taken from the settings and is 10 entries.
randomsortSorts the list arbitrarily.
hidedisclaimerDo not show disclaimer (yes or no).
tracking_idOverride the affiliate ID (Amazon only).
Updated: 19. February 2023
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