Sometimes products or lists may not be updated. In this case, you should check several options. In this article you will learn which steps you should check.
If you have migrated products from the last version, it can happen that some products still contain the price. This can be recognized by the fact that the price under "Products found" differs from the price in the text field under "Price information".
When clicking into the text field, the price should only be stored as a placeholder and should not be editable or highlightable.
The solution is to run the migration again and check that the price is no longer in the field. If this still happens, you can manually remove the price from the text field.
Check if a new entry is created under Queue. If no entry is created here, there is a problem with calling the cronjob.
There may be several problems with the configuration here. To do this, check the following settings under affiliate-toolkit.
The WordPress cronjob is triggered directly by WordPress. This means that we register the job in the system. If you don't have a cronjob set on the server, WordPress is dependent on your visitor traffic.
This means that if there is no visitor on your website, this job will not be triggered.
You can also set up a server-side cronjob for WordPress.
Quick tip: Save the Global Settings page of affiliate-toolkit again and re-attach the cronjob to WP Manager.
An external cronjob always requires a server-side cronjob. It is therefore essential to set up a cronjob to the specified URL here.
You can also test it by switching to "with output" and calling the URL yourself. If an error is displayed here, please feel free to contact us.
Check if the given URL is called every 15 minutes.
If you have specified a time period, for example: 03 o'clock to 05 o'clock and you have not set up a server-side cronjob, your website is dependent on visitors.
This means that if there is no visitor on your site during the night, the product update will not start. The same applies of course to a cronjob which is not called during this time.
Therefore, check whether the specified time window is possible at all and whether all products and lists can be updated at all during this time.