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What does the shop at affiliate-toolkit mean?

The shop in our plugin holds everything you need to connect to the interface. Besides access data, you can also define name, logo and many other settings. The shop runs through the whole plugin.

If you want to import products, you must first create the respective store.

You can do that directly under affiliate-toolkit -> Shops -> New Shop.

General settings

There are general settings for a shop (e.g. name, logo,..) and API specific settings. In this article you will learn the general settings.

General settings of a shop

1. select data source

This is the interface to which a connection is to be established. This interface cannot be changed after the initial save.

The status usually shows "connected" but it can also show the error message in case of connection problems. This status is basically only for the initial verification of the access data.

Over time, the credentials for the respective API may expire. In that case, the "Status" would not change to Error until you manually click "Update".

2. title

This is the title which will be displayed in the product boxes and in the frontend. In the backend, you will always see the single post title at the top.

3. Shop Logo Small & Large

These shop logos (if available) are displayed with the respective product box. For most of the stores we deliver the store logos automatically. For some others, these must be set manually.

4. price comparison sorting

This can be used to influence the sorting of the offers. 100 corresponds to "sorted by price". If you now set the price to 90, the price for the store will be displayed at the top. If you set the store to 110, it will be displayed at the bottom.

5. diagram color

If you display price history on your website, you can specify a color here instead of the automatic color.

6. hide in price comparison

This will hide the store in the price comparison. We recommend simply deactivating the automatic offer search here.

7. user defined fields 1-3

These fields can be used for your own purposes. Here, for example, values such as general shipping costs can be specified. These can then be displayed in the template.

If you want to display the fields in a listing of multiple offers, use the following snippet (fields 1-3):

{!! $offer->shop->customfield1 !!}
{!! $offer->shop->customfield2 !!}
{!! $offer->shop->customfield3 !!}

If you want to display the fields for a product, use the following snippet (fields 1-3):

{!! $product->shop->customfield1 !!}
{!! $product->shop->customfield2 !!}
{!! $product->shop->customfield3 !!}

8. show store logo

This checkbox activates the display of the store logos. If not active, only the store name is displayed. By the way, this is a very common error with missing store logos.

9. automatic offer search

This option activates the search of offers in this store. Means concretely: If you import a product from another store (e.g. Amazon) and this product has an EAN, the plugin will automatically search for an offer in this store with the EAN.

10. Tooltip

This is the mouse tooltip which is displayed when a button is hovered. %s is the placeholder for the store name here.

11. "Buy at"

This button is the primary button text for the product boxes. %s can be used again as a store placeholder. HTML can also be used here.

<i class="fa fa-amazon" aria-hidden="true"></i>
 Buy at Amazon

12. add to cart

Here the same applies as for the "Buy at" button. By the way, this is the secondary button.

13. currency symbol

By default, the currency is displayed in euros. Here you can use different formatting or enter your own representation.

"Use icon from merchant" means that the price is displayed directly from the interface without reformatting. In some cases conversion errors may occur and here this option is good as an alternative.

14. redirect type

This can be used to shorten links. We don't recommend using this feature because it takes longer with shortening and some shortened affiliate links are blocked in browsers.

  • Internal redirection: the link is redirected via the own domain (thus the visitor does not recognize the link destination)
  • The well-known link is created with this.
  • The Google link shortener

Updated: 6. February 2023
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