Recently, we have received some queries because our plugin was recently blocked in the WordPress directory. The reason for this was a security problem that made the internal path of your WordPress installation publicly accessible.
The problem was caused by some outdated files that were still stored in the WordPress SVN repository, but are no longer used in the current version of the plugin. These files were inadvertently not removed and ultimately led to the security vulnerability.
Unfortunately, the blocking of the plugin during the vacation period took us by surprise, which is why our response time was somewhat longer than usual.
We immediately fixed the security problem and provided a new version of the plugin, which you can download here:
Although the security issue has been resolved, the plugin is not yet listed again in the WordPress directory. Before it is available again, we have to revise the code in a few places. However, these are not new security problems, but a review of the existing code. This revision is a prerequisite to be listed in the directory again and to ensure that the plugin meets the current requirements of the WordPress review team.
We thank you for your understanding and patience. We are working hard to make the plugin available in the directory again as soon as possible. In the meantime, we recommend that you download and use the version provided.
If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Your affiliate-toolkit team