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Set up Amazon interface

In this article we will set up the Amazon store for affiliate-toolkit. You can use the Amazon API with our plugin or use the No-API (SiteStripe mode for us).

Create credentials for the API

Log in to the Partnet. There you can create the access data for your account.

Then click Tools -> Product Advertising API. At the bottom click on "Add Credentials".

You can create multiple sub-accounts on Amazon. Please note that the "Add Credentials" button is only available in the main account.

After that you will see the credentials and you can download them by clicking the "Download Credentials" button.

You will receive a CSV file with it. Keep this file in a safe place, as the access data will no longer be visible afterwards and you may have to recreate it.

You can view the keys in the overview but not the security key. If you no longer have the access data, you must delete the existing key and create a new one.

Please note that if you have an existing installation, you will need to replace the access key as it is no longer available.

Requirements for the use of the API

Amazon used to have pretty few restrictions as far as using the interface. This had unfortunately led to the countless SPAM pages have shot out of the ground. Without really having any content. Amazon then introduced quite strict rules here a few years ago. This means that you can only use the API under certain conditions.

Specifically, the following rules:

  • As a new Amazon affiliate, one can only access the API key once their website has been verified and at least 3 sales have been generated. These sales may not be assigned to your customer account itself.
  • It can take up to 48 hours for the new API key to work.
  • If your account has not generated at least 3 referred sales through the Product Advertising API in the last 30 days, the account will lose access to the Product Advertising API.
  • The initial usage limit per day is 8640 requests . Only one request per second may be sent.
  • If more sales are made, the usage limit per day increases automatically. The last 30 days are always taken into account.

Amazon then returns the following error if any of these rules apply:

TooManyRequests The request was denied due to request throttling

You will find other error messages and an explanation below.

Setup of the store for Amazon

Once you have the credentials for the Amazon interface, you can set up the store in affiliate-toolkit. To do this, create a new store in the WordPress backend and select Amazon as the API.

Please note that you need to have affiliate-toolkit already installed. Here you can find the instructions for the installation.

1) TItel of the store internal

The designation can be freely selected and is only used internally.

2) Data supplier

Here you select Amazon. If you do not have any other interfaces installed, you will only see Amazon here.

3) Amazon Access Key

The Amazon Key from the Amazon partner network is inserted here.

4) Amazon Secret Key

The secret key from the Amazon partner network is inserted here.

5) Amazon website

Select the website for which you have the access key. You will receive a separate Access Key for each Partneret country.

6) Tracking ID

Insert here the tracking ID you want to use for this website. It is important that the tracking ID can be associated with your affiliate account.

7) Image size small

Here you can specify the default size of a small image. By default, this is 75px width. You can set up to 500px maximum width.

8) Image size medium

As with Image Size Small, the image size can be overridden. This is here 160px width. Also here you can set up to 500px maximum width.

9) Product condition

You can specify whether you want to receive products only in a certain condition. For example, you can specify whether you want to load only new products.

You can distinguish between the following states:

  • Any state
  • New
  • Used
  • Collector's item
  • Refurbished

10) Waiting time request

By default, we wait one second before sending the next request to the web service. If you get partial error message from the web service, you can try to increase this time. However, we do not recommend setting more than 5 seconds here.

11) Site Stripe Mode

You can use this mode if you do not have API access yet. You can choose between these modes:

  • Disabled
    Only the Amazon API is used.
  • Preferably use
    only Site Stripe mode is used.
  • Use in case of error
    If the Amazon API request causes an error, the site stripe mode is used.

We explain this mode deatilier under the heading "Use No-API (Site Stripe) Mode" in more detail.

12) Scrap star ratings

With this function we scrape the star ratings from the Amazon website. If you are enabled for star ratings on the API, you do not need to enable this feature.

Please note that we explicitly do not recommend scraping ratings. Amazon also blocks scraping in many cases.

13) Load variations

This function loads variations to an ASIN if they exist. For example, if you import a shoe and it has multiple sizes, these sizes can be imported as their own variation.

If this option is activated, a separate request is sent for each product. So pay attention to whether you really need this function.

Use No-API (Site Stripe) Mode

If you don't have access to the Amazon API yet, you can use our Site Stripe mode. We called it Site Stripe mode because we grab the information from the Amazon widget.

If you can't see this feature on your Amazon website, this mode probably won't work for you:

Please note: When this mode is used, no product search is available in the backend of WordPress. Bestseller or other search lists are also not available.

To create product with No-API

Go to affiliate-toolkit -> Products -> Create new product:

Then select Amazon from the store list and if it has a unique ID, add the ASIN you want to import.

Then click "Update" or "Save draft". After saving, you will find the product under "Products found".

In this mode, only this product information is loaded:

  • Product TItel
  • Image
  • Price

Import products via the backend

The most comfortable way is the import via the WordPress backend. affiliate-toolkit offers its own search mask here.

Select "Product Import" from the menu and then select the Amazon store. You can search by keyword, ASiN, EAN. Enter the keyword and click "Search".

Now click through the search results. Once you have found the product, you can import the products on the right side.

Find ASIN manually

If you have already opened the product in Amazon or if only the No-API mode is available, you can copy the ASIN directly.

You can find this ASIN on every Amazon product page:

Simply copy this ID and then paste this ASIN directly into the field at the affiliate-toolkit product:

After saving, you will find the product in the affiliate-toolkit product database.

Create bestseller and new release lists

A list is a group of products. You can create bestseller lists, new release lists, search lists and also extended lists here. We have also written a separate article on this.

The only thing to note is that the browsenode ID is necessary for bestsellers. This can also be searched for via the backend. Here is an example:

You can also access the BrowseNode directly on the Amazon website. Here is an example of books:

You can find the ID in the address bar of the browser:

Create an advanced search

For this you need a bit more technical understanding and you should be able to understand the API. Here you can find a detailed list of search parameters:

How to add a product box to your page.

We have written a separate article on this. You can find it here. You can find the explanation for shortcodes here.

Frequently asked questions about the interface

What is the SearchIndex?
This is the primary Amazon category (e.g. music, household,...). The BrowseNodes are then located below this.

What is the SearchIndex for?
Some search filters depend on the category (like the genre in the music category). A search across all categories is only possible to a limited extent.

Where can I find the SearchIndex?

This depends on your country and can be found here:

Can I enter only one or several terms for the keyword and if so, which separator is used?

Unfortunately, only one search term is possible according to the Amazon doc.

Known errors of the Amazon interface

Here we have also listed you still known error message of Amazon interface.

FehlercodeErklärungLösung oder Problem
AccessDeniedDieser Fehler tritt auf, wenn der angegebene Zugriffsschlüssel nicht bei der Product Advertising API registriert ist oder es sich bei den verwendeten Anmeldedaten um AWS-Anmeldedaten handelt.Loggen Sie sich in den Partner-Account und erstellen Sie API-Schlüssel gemäß unserer Anleitung.
AccessDeniedAwsUsersDieser Fehler tritt auf, wenn der angegebene Zugriffsschlüssel nicht bei der Product Advertising API registriert ist oder es sich bei den verwendeten Anmeldeinformationen um AWS-Anmeldeinformationen handelt.Loggen Sie sich in den Partner-Account und erstellen Sie API-Schlüssel gemäß unserer Anleitung.
InvalidAssociateDieser Fehler tritt auf, wenn der Zugriffsschlüssel nicht mit dem genehmigten Partnerspeicher verknüpft ist.Loggen Sie sich in den Partner-Account und erstellen Sie API-Schlüssel gemäß unserer Anleitung.
IncompleteSignatureDie Anfragesignatur enthielt nicht alle erforderlichen Komponenten.Es scheint, dass es auf Ihrem Server Probleme gibt, eine korrekte API-Anfrage zu senden. Der Fehlert tritt meist auf, wenn man in einer lokalen Testumgebung probiert.
InvalidPartnerTagSie verwenden einen Partner-Tag welcher einem anderen API-ZugangsschlĂĽssel zugeordnet ist.Bitte besuchen Sie Ihre Amazon-Partner-Account und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Tracking-ID von Ihrem Konto stammt.
InvalidSignatureDie Anfrage wurde nicht korrekt signiert.Es scheint, dass es auf Ihrem Server Probleme gibt, eine korrekte API-Anfrage zu senden. Der Fehlert tritt meist auf, wenn man in einer lokalen Testumgebung probiert.
RequestThrottledSie senden mehr API-Anfragen, als Ihr Amazon Associates-Konto zulässt oder ihr Server steht bei Amazon auf einer Blacklist.Prüfen Sie ob eines der gelisteten Regeln für Partner-Accounts (siehe oben) zutrifft. Falls nein, prüfen Sie ob die Zugangsdaten im Amazon Scratchpad funktionieren oder kontaktieren Sie uns und wir testen das für Sie.
TooManyRequestsDie Anforderung wurde aufgrund von Anforderungsdrosselung abgelehnt. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Anzahl der Anfragen, die pro Sekunde an die Amazon Product Advertising API gestellt werden.Dieses Problem kann vorübergehend auftreten, weil das Plugin viele Anfragen gleichzeitig schickt. Bitte warten Sie einige Stunden und prüfen Sie, ob das Problem weiterhin besteht. Falls das Problem weiterhin auftritt, kann dies ebenfalls mit den oben gelisteten Regeln zusammenhängen.
RequestExpiredDie Anfrage hat das Verfallsdatum oder das Anfragedatum überschritten (entweder mit einem 15-Minuten-Polster), oder das Anfragedatum liegt mehr als 15 Minuten in der Zukunft.Dieses Problem tritt in der Regel auf, wenn die Datums-/Zeiteinstellung des Servers falsch ist. Um das Problem zu lösen, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Support Ihres Webhosting-Anbieters.
InvalidParameterValueEinige der Eingabeparameter fĂĽr die Anfrage sind ungĂĽltig oder fehlen.Das Problem kann auftreten, wenn Sie ungĂĽltige Parameter bei der erweiterten Liste angegeben haben.
MissingParameterEinige der Eingabeparameter fĂĽr die Anfrage sind ungĂĽltig oder fehlen.Das Problem kann auftreten, wenn Sie ungĂĽltige Parameter bei der erweiterten Liste angegeben haben.
UnknownOperationDie angeforderte Operation ist ungültig. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Name der Operation richtig eingegeben wurde.Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte, damit wir das Problem genauer analysieren können.
Undefined errorKontaktieren Sie uns bitte, damit wir das Problem genauer analysieren können.

How do I check if my API key is working?

The official scratchpad provides a more detailed error message. The result can also be used to find API problems.

To do this, select "SearchItems" on the left and then fill in the fields according to your access. Enter a search term below and submit the request.

After that, you should either get an error or see the products as a result:

Aktualisiert: 22. February 2023
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