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Available in the following affiliate networks

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Instantly import affiliate products from all supported affiliate networks within seconds. By using other networks and using automatic price comparisons, you increase the sales of your websites.
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👆 Create compare tables with affiliate-toolkit.

How to display products in WordPress for  CJ?

In this short guide you will learn how to embed the affiliate program SIKO.SK on your WordPress website.

1) Installing the CSV extension

Download the extension from our website. To do this, click on "Download now":

You can then upload and install the ZIP file normally via the WordPress plugin installation. After activation, the CSV interface is also selectable under Shop API.

2) Setting up the store for CSV feeds

Now create a new store in affiliate-toolkit under Shops.

3) Import the feeds

After you save the store, the recognized fields will be listed. These fields must now be assigned. On the left you can see the field name of affiliate-toolkit. On the right you need to select the field name in the CSV.

4) Import products via the backend

The most comfortable way is the import via the WordPress backend. affiliate-toolkit offers its own search mask here.

Select "Product import" in the menu and then select the subordinate AWIN store. You can search by keyword, ASiN, EAN. Enter the keyword and click "Search".

Now click through the search results. Once you have found the product, you can import the products on the right side.

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