vitajte na portáli topvyrobkysk nájdete tie najlepšie výrobky za bezkonkurenčné ceny affiliate partnerom ponúkame províziu 10 z každej uskutočnenej objednávky dĺžka platnosti cookie je 30 dní sem je povolený v prípade ďalších otázok sa prosím obráťte na podporasomnajlacnejsivivnetworkscom english version welcome on the portal topvyrobkysk you can find the best product for the best prices we offer 10 commission per order to our affiliate partners cookie lifetime is 30 days sem is allowed for any additional information please email to podporasomnajlacnejsivivnetworkscom
Download the extension from our website. To do this, click on "Download now":
You can then upload and install the ZIP file normally via the WordPress plugin installation. After activation, the CSV interface is also selectable under Shop API.
Now create a new store in affiliate-toolkit under Shops.
After you save the store, the recognized fields will be listed. These fields must now be assigned. On the left you can see the field name of affiliate-toolkit. On the right you need to select the field name in the CSV.
The most comfortable way is the import via the WordPress backend. affiliate-toolkit offers its own search mask here.
Select "Product import" in the menu and then select the subordinate AWIN store. You can search by keyword, ASiN, EAN. Enter the keyword and click "Search".
Now click through the search results. Once you have found the product, you can import the products on the right side.